Even though there is a lot of blood splatter in Larva it is not a particuarly graphic film. None of the parasite attacks are graphic, parasites simply grab hold of their victims and wrap themselves around them.
There is a shot of a dead cow, it's stomach starts to pulsate and ripple before it splits open and blood splashes over the camera lens and it fades to the opening titles.
Dr. Elis Rudkus examines the dead cow, there is a shot of the cow on the ground with it's intestines hanging out and laying on the ground, the cow is shown from a distance and the shot isn't that graphic.
Dr. Rudkus injects a cow, there is a shot of him stabbing the cow with the syringe & it entering the cows body.
Dr. Rudkus cuts his finger on a broken glass beaker, blood is sen on his finger and several spots drip onto a table. A small worm like parasite is seen moving towards the spot of blood and then drinking it.
There is a shot of a dead dog, it's body mutilated. this is a quick shot and it just looks like a slab of meat with fur rather than a dog.
There is a shot of a dead dog/rabbit (not sure which) in a stream, there is a closeup of it and it has a large neck wound.
There is a breif shot of another cow with it's stomach split open, nothing too graphic is shown.
Jacob Long shoots a large mutant parasite with a shotgun twice and kills it.
A man in a shower starts to have a nose bleed, his eyes start to bleed, there is a very breif shot of his chest/back starting to pulsate and ripple, there is a shot of his feet which are covered in blood which also shows blood draining away down the plug hole. There is a shot of him from above which shows him lying dead on the shower floor covered in blood.
Patrick is seen coughing up blood while in a hospital bed, his stomach begins to expand and eventually explodes. This is not show onscreen but a huge spray of blood coating doctors in the room in blood is seen. Patrick is seen lying in bed with a large bloody stomach wound, the room and doctors are seen covered in blood before a mutant parasite attacks and kills a woman, she is seen with a bloody head wound. Rudkus shoots the parasite and it leaves a trail of blood as it bursts through the air vent cover.
While looking for the parasite Jacob comes across a long blood trail on the floor, a janitor's legs are seen surrounded by puddles of blood.
A pathologist is seen wearing a blood stained apron and gloves, he is attacked and killed by the parasite before Rudkus shoots it dead.
A man is attacked by a parasite in a car, blood splatters over the wind shield.
A fat cop falls to the ground in pain, he starts to foam at the mouth, a parasite starts to emerge from under his shirt, it is shot dead.
A man is attacked in his car by a parasite, blodd splatters over the window.
As Fletcher Odermatt drives to his house he sees a parasite feeding on a dead cow in a field. Once home Fletcher follows a blood trail to his dead wife's body. He grabs a shotgun and shoots a parasite before other's come and kill him.
Both Rudkus and Jacob shoot and kill various parasites as they try to set a trap for them in the sewers, during this sequence the Sheriff is attacked and killed.