
Snowfever (2004)

12 (NL) | Netherlands | Dutch | 99 min
Directed by: Pim van Hoeve

In an Austrian ski-resort, ruthless Dutch lady-killer Ryan is the cock of the ski-lessons roost, but only accepts advanced Dutch pupils, or he would be swamped with adoring girls; however this year his boss forces him to take beginners too, one of which is a sexually as inexperienced girl. Ryan's younger brother Erik, also gorgeous but far less assertive, gentler and a virgin, has another embarrassing failure to do it with a girl on the train from the Netherlands, ending up peeing in a bottle in girls' sleeping compartment. The good boy bunks with bad big brother, who claims sex-appeal is the key to success as a popular ski instructor. Teachers and pupils go about scheming more for the partner-chase then for winter sports, even at odds with same-sex friendships, but love finds its way...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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