The Descent of Walter McFea_peliplat
The Descent of Walter McFea_peliplat

The Descent of Walter McFea (2002)

None | USA | English | 85 min
Directed by: Andrew Bowler

The Descent of Walter McFea is a comedy-drama about a young man in New York City whose life begins to fall apart just as he meets his perfect woman. He struggles to keep things right with this new girlfriend, Stevie, while everything else goes wrong. Walter can't see it but it's his flawed view of the world that has caused him to lose his way. The more that goes wrong for Walter, the more he begins to desperately lean on Stevie. Desperation never being a good element for a new relationship, Walter loses Stevie as well, leaving him with nothing. It's only after a trip home to the suburbs - where Walter's New York City lifestyle gives him a status of heroic proportions - that he learns his lesson about the futile search for the approval of others.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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