At least 1 f-word, 11 uses of the s-word, 1 slang term using male genitals ("dicking"), 5 uses of "hell," 4 uses of "ass" (1 used with "hole"), 2 uses of "damn," 6 uses of "jesus," 4 of "goddamn," 2 each of "god" and "oh god" and 1 use each of "for god's sakes," "oh my god" and "swear to god" as exclamations.
a few uses of "hell".
Phrases: "Then you have a big f*cking problem," "I don't know sh*t about wine," "Pack up your sh*t," "Bullsh*t," "Quit d*cking me around," "Screwing up," "Idiot," "Sweetheart" (said by a man to a woman in a sexist fashion), "Pain in the ass," "Morons," "Shut up," "Shut your G*ddamn mouth," "What the hell /happened?" "Screw you," "One hell of a mess," "Are you nuts?" "Where the hell is he?" "Give me a break," "Change of plans, asshole," "I don't give a rat's ass" and "Sit your ass down."