Something Like Happiness_peliplat
Something Like Happiness_peliplat
Play trailer

Something Like Happiness (2005)

Not Rated (US) | Czech Republic, Germany | Czech | 102 min
Directed by: Bohdan Sláma

Three young adults in Most sort out feelings and responsibilities: Monika's boyfriend has left for the States, her mother wants her to join him there, and if the invitation does come, what should she do? Toník is a nice guy, his love for Moni is unrequited. He's trying to rebuild his family's crumbling house; a nearby factory has made an offer to buy the land. With Moni, he watches out for the two young sons of Dasha, their friend who's in a hopeless long-term affair with a married man: Dasha is at once unstable, unrealistic, neglectful of her boys, and cruel to those who help. For whom is this something like happiness?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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