Little Friend_peliplat
Little Friend_peliplat

Little Friend (1958)

0+ (RU) | Soviet Union | Russian | 67 min
Directed by: Viktor Eysymont

Two eight-year-old friends Misha and Kolya spend one day in the summer at the dacha without their elders. The merry company is followed relentlessly by the mongrel dog Druzhok. In the evening, Mishka cooks porridge, but even Druzhok refuses to eat it, and when Mishka tries to cook the caught fish, a fire almost breaks out in the kitchen. The guys go to bed hungry. In the morning, Mishka and Kolya go home on a steamboat. In a suitcase, they secretly carry a Friend. In the turmoil of disembarkation, they carry away someone else's suitcase. Enterprising Mishka writes an announcement about a missing dog. By chance, friends find out that they have taken their teacher's suitcase. The misunderstanding is solved. The guys finally find their Friend. But in the evenings, a whole queue gathers at The Bear's house: according to his announcement, from all over the city, the boys bring dogs. Based on Short stories by Nikolai Nosov.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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