Perils of the Secret Service_peliplat
Perils of the Secret Service_peliplat

Perils of the Secret Service (1917)

None | USA | None, English | 90 min
Directed by: Hal Mohr, George Bronson Howard, Jack Wells

Episode 1: "The Last Cigarette" In the Bergenschloss the heads of Saxonia's secret service are in consultation over the fate of one of their men who has failed in his mission to a South American republic on account of the watchfulness of Yorke Norroy, a diplomatic agent and the cleverest man in the American secret service, who poses as a man of fashion. The Saxonian chiefs lay plans for his destruction. Minna Ober, whose father has been sentenced to death for murder, comes to plead for clemency. The chief offers the man a chance for his life if he will dispose of Yorke Norroy. Ober accepts. The papers have given publicity to the escape of Max Ober, and Huntley Carson, the confidant of Yorke Norroy, warns Norroy that Ober is after him. They attend the reception at the Saxonian embassy in Washington some time later and recognize Ober. Norroy is apparently absorbed in a flirtation with a stranger, who in reality is Minna Ober. Her father is counting upon her to lure Norroy to an empty house. Minna is successful. Norroy is roughly pushed into a room and falls. He rises, brushes his clothes, annoyed by the dust and Ober informs him that unless he discloses the history of his defeat of their plans he will be put to death. He insists upon Norroy's writing the story in detail. Norroy complies, but asks permission to smoke a cigarette. He takes out his case and sees in its polished surface that Ober gives directions to shoot him when he has finished writing. He lights a cigarette, and smokes it in the intervals of writing the story. Then he lays the cigarette on the table and proceeds. The cigarette explodes, and Norroy makes his escape. When the smoke has cleared away, Ober and his daughter read on the paper, "Tell your chief that Yorke Norroy sends Max Ober back to the Bergenschloss to pay the penalty."

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
No data
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Perils of the Secret Service
(Original title)
Perils of the Secret Service
Japan (Japanese title)
Perils of the Secret Service
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes