The Angel of the House_peliplat
The Angel of the House_peliplat

The Angel of the House (1913)

U (GB) | France | None, French | 36 min
Directed by: Léonce Perret

A phrase that has often been misinterpreted, is Wordswnrth's dictum, "that the child is father to the man." In this case, however, it is the literal suggestion that is most appropriate, for the actions of little Marie, the heroine of the story, indicates that she knows what is not good for her father better than he knows himself. Marie, the only child of a somewhat wealthy couple, brings sunshine in the home on her return from boarding school and exhibits her prizes with much welcome satisfaction, being rewarded by her father with a bank-note for her successes. Finding life at home somewhat monotonous, the father decides to visit Dinard. With the usual license practiced by the unfaithful, he arranges to meet an actress for a season of loose living. This fact becomes known to the wife through a wrongly-sent telegram which reveals both his whereabouts and the company he is in. Naturally the wife is much depressed and little Marie knowing that the cause is her father's absence, decides to go after him and bring him back to her mother. Stealing away in the night, and taking the money her father had given her, she starts for Dinard. On the journey a clergyman becomes interested in the child and upon learning her mission decides to accompany her. Arriving at their destination and finding the apartments of the father, they take possession in his absence; upon his arrival his surprise is naturally unbounded, and he is compelled to battle against most mingled emotions of good and evil. The offices of the clergyman are, however, very opportune in disposing of the actress, and persuading the father to fulfill the mission of his child by accompanying her home. In the home again, the child and the minister are able to bring about a complete and lasting reconciliation, and the united family circle with the minister as a guest becomes happy in the affection with the "Angel of the House" has brought about.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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