The Picture of Dorian Gray_peliplat
The Picture of Dorian Gray_peliplat

The Picture of Dorian Gray (2007)

None | USA | English | 97 min
Directed by: Duncan Roy

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is the classic tale of vanity written by Oscar Wilde updated and adapted by Duncan Roy. Artist Basil Hallward has become obsessed with Dorian Gray whose beauty is the focus of a new portrait/installation. When the young Dorian sees the installation for the first time he resents the portrait wishing it would grow old and ugly instead of him. Henry is the cynical, intellectual friend and agent of Basil Hallward who befriends Dorian in spite of his friendship with Basil. Henry is responsible for Dorian's transformation from angel to devil.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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