Very tight black clothing that accentuates female breasts, curves and nipples.
The protagonist grabs a young girl's ample breasts. He fondles and plays with her breasts while bouncing her up and down.
(Episode 6) - Up-skirt and cleavage shown.
(Episode 6) - Female protagonist showers and takes a bath, breasts and rear are shown.
(Episode 6) - Female protagonist is shown to be wearing a collar and leash, fully nude but breasts are covered.
(Episode 6) A man gropes a females breast in bed (no nudity as fully clothed)
(Episode 7) - Main character is changing and shows rear.
(Episode 7) - Main character is changing and is naked, breasts are covered, shows rear.
(Episode 7) - Breasts are shown in a flash back.
(Episode 8) - A male grabs a females clothed breasts and plays with them, cleavage is shown.
(Episode 9) - Female is changing shown fully nude, breasts are show for extended period. A dog enters the room and proceeds to lick between her legs.
There are two graphic sex scenes with some moaning and grunting.
A female character is teleported completely naked. A man attempts to violate her offscreen, but is shortly stopped.
A major character is occasionally seen naked. The breasts are visible, and also in the foreground.
In the episode 5 the protagonist tries to have sex with a character, he's about to, but stops, since she isn't ready (no skin shown).
The protagonist will occasionally have "losing his virginity" on his mind. There are a couple of references to rape.