Men Suddenly in Black 2_peliplat
Men Suddenly in Black 2_peliplat

Men Suddenly in Black 2 (2006)

IIB (HK) | Hong Kong | Cantonese | 90 min
Directed by: Shu-Kai Chung

The war between men and women never ends... Last time, Tin, Dr. Lee and Chao failed in the "mission", but they didn't take this as a lesson. They are more cautions these years and success to fool around behind their wives. This time, the team grows by a new comer - a university student Sai. At the same time, Mary, Ching, Chao's wife and Ling (Sai's girlfriend) get a DVD from Auntie Ninth. It is a very popular DVD among women recently, which is a documentary to teach women how to fooling around. Four women go to Macau to break the bond of morality. It is too late when the men discover this. They rush to Macau to ruin the women's plan. A battle between women and men begins...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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