Disturbing violence.
A man cuts his finger.
Some bloody fingerprints are found on a piano.
A man finds some fingernails in a piano.
A girl hits her head against a wall repeatedly.
A man has blood on his face.
A man cuts off pieces of his fingers.
Some blood drips on a man's face.
A man gets his ear coming blood.
A woman's fingernails break off as she grabs onto a wall. She coughs up some blood.
A man falls down some stairs and has blood on his head.
A man hits a woman in the back of the head.
A woman repeatedly hits a man offscreen.
A reference of a man hits another man's face repeatedly until his face bone cracked.
A man choked by a ghost.
We see a girl ghost with bullet hole on her head.
A dead body is seen. His face like horrified and his mouth opened.
The violence that around this film are mostly offscreen, but graphic