Lots of crude graphic language. A woman's clothes are torn off and she is raped (her breasts are seen). Then she is flipped over and raped again from behind. Another man masturbates and it's implied that he orgasms on her. Two prostitutes buy some extra-large condoms. Graphic sex scene between a man and a woman (his butt and her breasts are seen). She gets up and we briefly see her pubic hair and his penis. It's implied that a woman is giving a man oral sex. The scene cuts to another woman giving a man oral sex. He orgasms and it's implied that she swallowed his sperm. A transexual sticks his hand in his panties and adjusts his penis. A transexual pulls out his new breasts. A man's pants are pulled down and his butt is seen. Two scenes where a woman's breasts are seen (it's implied that she just had sex with a man).
Violence & Gore
Strong violence.
A bloody movie is watched on TV. A man has some blood on his lips. He is hit a few times. A tube is stuck up his backside (offscreen). Some blood is found on the floor. A woman is found with some blood on her clothing (implied abortion). Some gang members are maced after throwing a bottle at a man's head. A man is seen being kicked on the street. A man punches his son in the face. He has a red mark on his face afterwards. Several people are shot (the bloody bullet wounds are seen). A man's dead body is found. A man shoots another man in the neck and blood pours out of the wound. It's implied that a man shoots himself.
'Fuck' is said constantly, many other profanities: 'shit, bastard, bitch, pussy, ass, hell, tits, piss, damn, faggot, Jesus, nigga' (said several times by a black man when referring to another black man).
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Drugs are used constantly. Crack is smoked frequently by the main characters and there is also use of heroin, speed, and pills.
Excessive smoking and drinking.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
A store owner is robbed at gunpoint twice. A couple is harassed by a gang. Some intense gunfights.