The Erotic Mr. Rose_peliplat
The Erotic Mr. Rose_peliplat

The Erotic Mr. Rose (1964)

16+ (CA) | USA | English | 52 min
Directed by: Nick Millard

An omniscient narrator introduces us to Mr. Rose, chasing butterflies in San Francisco's Union Square. Rose is not content to collect bugs; he's also a prude and a scold, staging a one-man campaign against the city's adult entertainments. He defaces photographs, complains by phone and letter to city hall, disrupts live performances and fowls film in projection booths. Then, at a nightclub featuring belly dancers, Rose is dispirited by the lascivious behavior of young people in attendance. While Rose is disheartened and vulnerable, Satan pays him a visit and tempts him into a life of dissolution. Will Rose remain pure or will he succumb and become the erotic Mr. Rose?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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