The violence is from a mild to moderate in impact. No gore, and just a little bit of blood to sum the film up. The film is just more psychologically intense and draining. The thematic content is the disturbing aspect of this film.
A young man borrows a golf club to test it, it is then later revealed that he used it to murder a dog. This happens offscreen but the dog can be heard barking and whining as it is killed. A woman finds the dogs body after playing a game of 'hot and cold'. The dogs lifeless body slumps out of the car onto the ground.
A young man is talking disrespectfully to the owner of the house they're in, so the man slaps them. The young man then breaks the mans leg with a gold club. The man's pant leg gets soaked with blood over the course of the movie, and he is seen in frequent pain for the rest of the movie. At one point a young man stomps on his leg, causing the man to scream in pain.
A man and woman are frequently shoved and pushed, and tied/taped up throughout the movie.
A girls legs are seen, surrounded by blood. A shotgun lays down the hall from her, presumably being the weapon that killed her.
A young boy is shot offscreen in front of his parents. His lifeless body is seen, a very significant amount of blood is shown splattered on the walls, ground and television. His wounds are never shown. His mother pukes while looking at his body, and his father later covers him with a sheet, the sheet quickly becoming soaked with blood.
A woman grabs a shotgun and shoots a young man in the stomach. There is a brief shot of the young man flying against the wall with his wound spraying blood around him. This is then shown very quickly in reverse, and is undone.
A man is stabbed with a kitchen knife offscreen.
A man is shot point blank, offscreen with a shotgun.
A woman is forced to pray to God, in order to decide how and in which order her and her husband will die.
A woman is bound by her hands and feet and has her mouth taped. She is then thrown into a lake to drown.