Jamie Johnson
Stars (in credits order)
Nicole Buffet
Self - Granddaughter of Investor Warren Buffett
Chuck Collins
Self - Great Grandson of Oscar Meyer
Steve Forbes
Cody Franchetti
Self - Italian Baron
Milton Friedman
Self - Nobel Laureate
Bill Gates Sr.
Self - Father of Microsoft Founder
Eddie Bernice Johnson
Self - Chair Congressional Black Caucus 2001-03
Gretchen Johnson
Self - Jamie's Mother
Jim Johnson
Self - Jamie's Father
Adnan Khashoggi
Self - Arms Merchant
Claude Kirk
Self - Former Governor of Florida
Greg Kushner
Self - Lido Wealth Conference Director
John Lewis
Self - US Representative (D)
Roy Martin
Self - President, Martin Lumber Co.
Brian McNally
Self - Family Asset Manager
Dan Miller
Self - Former Congressman FLA (R)
Karl Muth
Self - Investment Banking Heir
Ralph Nader
Self - Consumer Advocate
Larry Noble
Self - Center for Responsive Politics
Paul Orfalea
Self - Kinko's Founder
Kevin Phillips
Self - Former Nixon Aide, Author
Jimmie Price
Self - Taxi Driver
Nathaniel P. Reed
Self - Undersecretary of The Interior 1967-73
Robert Reich
Self - US Secretary of Labor 1992-96
Greg Schell
Self - Attorney, Migrant Farmer Justice Program
Edward Wolff
Self - Professor of Economics, NYU
Gregory George Frank
Prison Guard (uncredited)