Pervasive bloody violence.
A beheaded body, wrapped in plastic and hanging upside down, is shown.
There are several shots featuring dead bodies.
Blood is seen coming out of a dead man's body.
A teen boy walks into a room loaded with bear traps.
A layer of acid coats a floor, eating away at a man's shoes. At the same time, a cat lands on the acid and starts to dissolve; the man pulls the cat out of the acid, then throws it at a window frame.
A man kills a dog by trapping its head in a garbage can that was set on fire. He then throws the garbage can along with the dead dog's body at another man, who fires a shotgun, causing the dog's body to explode.
A mechanical device hurls a teen girl into a wall of spikes, killing her.
A man is seen hanging from the ceiling, he is bloodied.
A woman is stabbed with a knife and falls down a flight of steps: she is dragged away by her ankle and put in a bathtub.
A woman is chained to a bathtub: her hands are tied; she is covered in blood and the water in the bathtub is tinged with blood.
A man runs a knife through a teen boy's hand, then a blade cuts off all of the fingers of one of his hands.
A man is stabbed in the eye with a knife.
A dog bites a man in the throat.
A knife is slashed at a man's head; the man screams.
A razor device closes on a man's hand, leaving it trapped against the two blades, causing the hand to become bloody.
A man forces another man to hold his hand and arm above a flame; his arm hairs burn.
A man holds a woman's tongue with a pair of pliers and threatens to cut it.
A teen girl is tied to a banister with barbed wire around her hands and neck.
A chandelier with knives tied to it falls on a man, injuring him.
A bloody, injured man is electrocuted when a TV is thrown onto a wet floor.
A man, bloodied and suffering, is found chained to a chair.
A man uses a dead man's head as a battering ram to knock down a door.
A metal spike in a telephone earpiece injures a man's ear.
Razor wire hits a man's cheek, drawing blood.
Fish hooks are shown in a man's face and one is near his eye; he pulls them out.
A large box is opened to reveal a bloodied, chained, panicked man.
A man punches a window out with his fist, breaking the glass (his bloody hand is shown).
A teen girl is thrown onto bottles, breaking them; she is then grabbed by a man.
A man slams another man's head onto a tile floor and they struggle violently.
Two men wrestle and fall down a flight of stairs.
A man is struck by a car and is thrown over its hood.
An ambulance overturns in an accident and its occupants are thrown around; a man is suspended from the ceiling of the overturned ambulance by restraints. His restraints loosen and he falls to the floor of the ambulance and is hurled outside.
A dog scratches a man's cheek with its teeth, leaving a bloody scratch.
An elaborate mechanical snare grabs a bloodied, injured man by the ankle and drags him out of sight.
A woman sticks a syringe into her forehead.
An injured man is forcefully put into a van and locked in a box.
A house explodes.