Master Kim vs Master Kim vs Master Kim_peliplat
Master Kim vs Master Kim vs Master Kim_peliplat

Master Kim vs Master Kim vs Master Kim (2007)

15 (KR) | South Korea | Korean | 97 min
Directed by: Seong-gyun Park

Set in a small rural town, two not-so-competent martial arts masters are rivals who work in the same building. The two masters compete over students as well as local beauty Yeon-Sil. While their rivalry rages, a third Master Kim, Kung Fu Kim Kwan-Jang arrives in their town and sets up shop in the same building. Their competition keep on rising again. Beside that, some thugs come to their town to make chaos and will reveal the past of one of the Kim master.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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