While filming the porno, Bubbles and Barry start having sex; Bubbles thrusts from behind using a strap-on sex toy. Bubbles is seen wearing a bra and Barry moans loudly.
Sex acts are discussed in an extremely crass manner and this happens nonstop.
Miri openly changes clothes in the coffee shop and she is seen in her bra and panties briefly. Two teen boys film Miri with a camera phone and Zack blocks the camera with his rear end.
While auditioning women, a woman pulls up her skirt and she is seen completely nude.
Lester's naked rear end is shown closeup as he auditions.
Zack and Miri scout people in a strip club, where full female nudity is shown in several shots.
A woman blows bubbles with, presumably, her genitals. She places a bubble blower into her skirt and then a bubble goes into the air.
In a montage, the cast for the porno is shown holding lightsabers and laser pistols shaped like penises. R2-D2's fake testicles are shown.
In one scene for the porno, Zack is dressed as a delivery man and says, "I've got some cream for you." He drops the box of "cream" on the floor. He and Miri fall on a bag of coffee beans and then have sex. Nudity and thrusting is shown.
For the porno, Lester and Stacey begin two sex scenes, but are interrupted both times. Stacey is naked; her breasts are shown but her vagina is not. In the second scene, Deacon lies on the floor to film an undershot. Then, Stacey accidentally defecates on his face.
Lester is shown completely nude for 1-3 seconds as he walks into his kitchen. Standing in front of the refrigerator, he fully bends over to pick up something he dropped. Full frontal and full rear nudity.