Ein Kolumbus auf der Havel_peliplat
Ein Kolumbus auf der Havel_peliplat

Ein Kolumbus auf der Havel (1978)

0 (DE) | East Germany | German | 78 min
Directed by: Hans Kratzert

Eleven-year-old Nana dreams of going on holiday with her family on a boat. Despite her mother's protests, she manages to persuade her father to buy an old sailing boat and so nothing stands in the way of a trip on the Havel. But her father's sailing skills are a bit rusty and a lot of unforeseen things happen that make the trip an exciting adventure. In Mischa, Nana finds a new friend with whom she can explore the Havelland.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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