We see a close-up of a bloody wound on Kable's shoulder as he showers, while a controlled prisoner walks up, states he just killed someone, and proudly shows off the blood on his hands.
A tough inmate hits a player several times with a pipe or something similar and stands above him, prepared to kill him. But his bullet just drops from his gun rather than fires, allowing Kable to kick him (on or near his crotch) and then hit him several times with that pipe.
During another battle, a soldier fires some sort of futuristic weapon that fires ammo up into the air. It then splits and comes down in multiple streams, causing explosions that send body parts flying up into the air.
In a flashback, and while under the mind control of someone else, A test subject shoots a fellow soldier with a handgun, killing him (with bloody results on the floor).
A man comes at another with a knife, but he delivers many hard blows before twisting his neck twice, the last time breaking it and killing him.
A man tries to fight a man, he is stopped when he uses mind control on him when he tries to stab him but sends force backwards making him slash his knee. He then takes off his shirt and there is a basketball fight scene which involves him freezing him in place to kick him and do hard blows but the opponent manages to slice his belly with a knife, he kicks him to the ground, sends his family and tries using mind control to make him kill them.
A man tries to make another man kill his own daughter with a knife using mind control but a man has enough potential to slam the knife on the ground and swerve it near him but is stopped by his mind control. When he is about to press the knife forward, a man tells another to "Imagine sticking it up his gut". His player joins in a both of them press forward and push in his stomach stabbing and then twisting the knife pull it out. (Blood shown).
Strong brutal violence.
In a video game battle scene (featuring real people and deaths), Kable and other soldiers shoot other characters, all as explosions go off around them. We see some blood at the points of impact (along with blood splattering onto a face), while a pile of dead bodies is briefly seen. As this continues, Kable hits one character with his gun before using the same to shoot others, while an explosion blows him out a window and he lands hard on a vehicle below him.
A rollerblading girl crashes onto another girl. The latter gets hurt, there is blood on her leg, and she licks her bloody arm.
In a club there are sadomasochistic people hung to the ceiling with hooks (graphic). A man shoots a man who is thrown back. We see several people being shot and killed on a video screen (blood splatters). Several people are shot and killed in a crowded club: we see blood spurt and spray, and then we see it as a glowing blue liquid in a black light effect.
In the same club, three young women are shot to death: one girl splatters the blood on the people around her and on the floor, and two lesbians who are covered with her blood keep kissing each other; the other girl is completely naked and gets shot in the head, splattering blood; another girl gets shot and flies over a table.
In a truck with a bunch of death row inmates trapped and restrained, A guard hard punches a woman who is talking, and she spits blood out of her mouth.
A large truck with a scooper pushes several limbs and body parts off a street, a car flips over in flames, a man on a motorcycle is blown out of the air, an unarmed man is shot several times in the chest (we see bloody holes in his clothing), and a woman is struck hard by a speeding truck.
In the next online game battle, there's more shooting and explosions, while a flamethrower hits a guy on his motorcycle, while a prisoner is shot and killed.
Some bloody severed body parts are seen briefly but graphically after an explosion, as well as many corpses.
A prisoner beats another prisoner to death with a stone; we see the man straddling the other man on the ground and pounding his head repeatedly (we hear squishing, we see blood splatter and we see the head crush under the stone). That prisoner then flees, only to be shot with something that blows him up into the air.
We see a disfigured man, he is alive even if almost half of his face is missing (brief but graphic).
A man stabs a girl in the back with a large knife abducting a woman, then stabs a young man (not seen). The couple is later seen lying lifeless in the elevator. When they come out, a man then shoots the stabber in the chest with a shotgun and blows his foot into pieces and he screams in pain
We see a close-up of one prisoner frantically digging into his neck and base of his skull, trying to remove the mind control implant (nano cell). That person then falls to the floor, unconscious or dead and very bloody.
Finding a man about to have sex with a woman (as a mind-controlled avatar), A guy picks up that man and slams him down over his knee, breaking his back/spine.
In the next online game battle, there's gunfire and explosions, including from a chopper shooting missiles that explode. Various people who are shot are bloody, while a vehicle flies through the air in slow motion, on fire and twisting before crashing, while a flamethrower is used to attack several characters who are then engulfed in flames, with one falling hard to the street. A truck suddenly flies by and smashes a woman, while another's head explodes, sending blood and meat onto Kable.
A man sees his daughter and tries to run to her but is blocked by a forcefield. He then see minions snapping and a man dancing starting a musical number and it is revealed that the men killed a group of helpers before he arrived. He then fights many men who are mind-controlled by a guy, with various brutal blows, limb snapping and neck breaking (by twisting as well as slamming one down to the floor head-first) with squishing and splattering.
A man in a car is chased by two large trucks, he shoots at the drivers, one truck tips over and slides on the road, and the other flips over and explodes. A man speeds in a car, another man jumps onto the side of the car trying to attack the driver, the driver steers into a cement pylon and the man on the outside of the car is struck hard. A man runs and slams into a glass wall, a man shoots cameras and then runs out and explodes out of shot.