woman is attacked in beginning of movie
man is captured and tries to attack capturer and is took over and shot with a needle in the butt
appears that a drill or something of that nature is being used on the captured man, and he is screaming.
Man is tazered and beat with blunt metal object.
Man is grabbed and mouth is taped shut he is laying on the floor and guy tries to pick him up and he stabs the man with a pencil, the other guy then tries to choke him.. he is then is forced into a chair and strapped in and electrocuted.
it looks like they use some kind of scapel on main characters private area. no nudity shown
woman pulls gun on man
a man hits a woman with metal object, and shots a gun at her but misses. she runs away, and he shots gun again this time bullet goes from behind through chest.. she dies and is buried.
man is given breast implants
man (who is now woman) is attacked by the bigger man, and he ends up slashing his throat
Man/woman is attacked again by the other man and kills him, then kills the girl who is hooked up to an iv by suffocating her.