There are lots of shootouts that are detailed with brutal deaths and strong bloodshed.
This show contains numerous shocking and unexpected instances of graphic brutal violence.
People get executed by men with machine guns, shotguns, and handguns, all of these scenes are extremely graphic. People often get shot in the face with handguns and shotguns. Blood and brains/gore spray out each time.
Brains and lots of blood often spray out when people get shot in the head.
In the first episode a man shoots another man in the head with a double barrel shotgun, it all happens very quickly but his entire head explodes into an extremely gory mess.
Much more violent and gruesome than "Casino" and much, MUCH more graphic than "The Sopranos".
Al Capone brutally beats a man to death for making fun of one of his guys. He violently punches him and kicks numerous times and then slams a stool on his head. His body shown extremely bloodied with a lot of blood beneath his head.
Gyp Rossetti is a vicious psychopath who kills anyone who seems to be smarter than him. One extremely brutal scene features him bashing a man's head in with a shovel while he is completely buried in sand just for suggesting an idea to him.
Richard Harrow goes on a killing spree and kills a dozen men with a rifle, a pistol, and a shotgun. Each death is incredibly gruesome. Any time a man gets shot, blood and gore sprays everywhere.
TV-MA violence type: blood, gore, brutal and graphic.
In addition to numerous scenes of gun violence, there are also multiple savage beatings and stabbings. These scenes are often incredibly graphic and highly realistic, adding to their intensity.
Man severely beats up pregnant woman. Very disturbing and possibly triggering for domestic abuse victims.
The violence is not only brutal and gory, but also highly emotionally distressing due to the callous and vicious contexts in which they occur.
Gunshots and other gruesome moments.