There's a long fight between one man and a large group in a car shop, and many men are punched, kicked, hit with objects, and thrown into objects. A big man attacks the man, and the two fight for a while, both brutally punching and kicking each other.
Men on a bridge shoot at a man in a car, and he drives off the side of the bridge into the water below.
Several men in cars chase and shoot at another car in a flashback.
One of Johnson's goons takes Frank's car, resulting in Frank having to chase after it on foot and then on a bicycle (since if it gets 75 feet from him, the armed bracelet on his wrist will explode). During that, Frank rides that bike through a glass wall, but Valentina grabs at the thief from the backseat. Frank eventually catches the car and swings through, kicking the thief out the other side of the car.
Two men draw guns in an alley in front of a garbage truck, and one of them shoots the truck driver.
A man draws a gun and shoots another man dead after the man made him angry.
The first fight sequence in the flashback is somewhat intense but quick camera, bones can be seen breaking but no noises to it. We see a flashback to Frank fighting various goons, hitting, kicking and flipping them, etc. as well as breaking one's outstretched leg (all done in a highly stylized and edit-heavy, action-based fashion). The leg break on the piano can be hard to watch for some
A miscellaneous car accidentally smashes into a pursuing police car during a chase sequence.
Emergency personnel drive off with Valentina's initial driver in their ambulance. When Valentina shows Frank her explosive bracelet, he rushes out to try to stop the ambulance from driving off. He's too late, however, and the ambulance explodes, presumably killing at least three people and knocking Frank backwards off his feet.
Johnson shoots his main goon in the forehead, killing him (we see a little bit of blood at the entry point). He then points his handgun at Frank's head to convince him to deliver his package. Moments later, when Frank doesn't want Valentina in the car with him on the trip, Johnson aims his gun at Valentina's head, with Frank changing his mind.
To rescue Valentina, but unable to leave his car, Frank drives his off a bridge and onto the top of a moving train. He then swings into one of the train cars, kicking a goon aside and avoids gunfire aimed at him. During this, Johnson grabs Valentina, but she bites his hand and escapes, while Frank hits and then shoots several goons with a captured machine gun, using one of them as a shield from more gunfire aimed his way.
Frank then comes after Johnson, but the former's bomb bracelet is activated (due to being too far from his car), meaning he has to retreat back to the car. As he does, Johnson decouples the train car from the others, but Frank then drives his car along the train and smashes it through the back of that train car. He gets out and fights Johnson who tries to slice him with his knife, but Frank delivers various hard blows.
Frank removes the bomb bracelet from his wrist, places it on a villain, and then causes the latter to be separated from the transmitter car. The resultant explosion kills him and destroys part of a train car.
PG-13 violence type: blood and brutal.
There's a long car chase on a freeway, and it carries into woods. Several cars crash, one going over a cliff and exploding, and gunfire is exchanged.
Some men are accidentally killed by coming into contact with some sort of toxic and apparently caustic sludge (their faces are all blistered).
There's a large fight between a man and a group of men in a room. It's seen near the beginning in a flashback.
A car suddenly smashes through Frank's wall and into his living room. Frank finds the driver fairly bloody from that and/or unseen gunshot wounds that Frank reports.