Prostitutes are constantly mentioned, as they are the victims of choice.
There is a scene in the beginning where a prostitute leans in towards a man's car. The prostitute is seen in someone's home. The prostitute is seen from behind, with thigh high nylons on and a very short skirt where the bottom of one butt cheek can be seen.
A severed penis is shown.
They refer to one character as a being a "tranny" or "transvestite".
A person plays a past rape incident on their mobile phone, moaning and thrusting from the man can be heard.
A mother states her daughter is "always in heat". The same girl sneaks out to be with her boyfriend and speaks of sneaking him into her place.
There's a scene where you hear a female screaming: it is a woman on TV, however, it is hard to tell what is being shown; could imply sexual violence.
A man "marries" himself to a young lady (17). Objectively: emotionally twisted but no physical sexuality.
A young pregnant female (about 16) is shown in bed, chained.
A woman is given a home pregnancy test to use.
A man (30ish) passes a pill to a young female (about 16) via his mouth.
Sex is implied: a women is on "all fours", while a man unbuckles his belt; all the while, there's an old cartoon with babies in it being played, a girl is repeating a phrase regarding babies, another is talking about getting lucky, and the woman bent over is "praying" to get "lucky". No actual intercourse is seen.
Photos of a seventeen year old is shown in bed with a twenty-something man. No nudity.
A home pregnancy test is shown in full view; the results are positive.
A photo album shows pictures of young women in a suggestive manor or as sexually dominated.
A man pays 250.00 to buy time with a hooker. Hooker looks to be in her teens; takes off her top to be seen in her bra, spreads her legs to show her Mons pubis area in black lace underwear.
A young girl shows her lower abdominal area partially exposing her shaved Mons pubis.