Frequent/Intense Mature/Suggestive themes and Horror themes.
One of the most disturbing cartoons made.
Some very creepy stop motion images and faces.
Moderate/Severe for neurodivergent viewers.
Some people compare this show to SpongeBob due to it's detailed/graphic close ups.
Lots of close-ups of absolutely horrendous looking characters and faces.
Almost everyone looks quite horrific in this show. Also, almost everyone Flapjack, Knuckles and Bubbie come by is a complete nutcase/psycho.
The slapstick can turn rather dark sometimes.
The world in which Flapjack lives looks very grim, evil and dark.
It can get very over-the-top sometimes and the humor is hilarious, so those scenes can lighten up the mood considerably, but be warned that some scenes can be nightmare inducing.