Death in the Land of Encantos_peliplat
Death in the Land of Encantos_peliplat

Death in the Land of Encantos (2007)

Tous publics (FR) | Philippines, Netherlands | Filipino, Bikol, English, Tagalog | 540 min
Directed by: Lav Diaz

Filipino poet Benjamin Agusan (Roeder Camanag) is a hapless native who returns to his hometown Padang to witness the aftermath of the super typhoon. For the past seven years, Benjamin has been living in an old town called Kaluga in Russia. With his grant and residency, he taught and conducted workshops in a university; in the process he published two poetry books of sadness and longing. In Russia, Benjamin shot video collages, fell in love with a Slavic beauty, buried a son, and almost went mad. He came back to bury his dead--father, mother, sister, and a lover. He came back to face Mount Mayon, the raging beauty and muse of his youth. He came home to confront the country that he so loved and hated, the Philippines. He came back to die in the land of his birth. He wanders around the obliterated village meeting old friends and lovers.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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