Marc Cushman
Stars (in credits order)
Ruth Anson
Bob Billman
The Cameraman
Shay Burbridge
Production Assistan #1
Cliff Cordova
The Editor
The Director
Joseph Dammann
The Favorite Cousin
Alice Dorsey
Sinatra Fan
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Self (archiveFootage)
Kathryn Farren
Production Assistan #3
Philip Franchini
Joe A. Giamalva
The Make-Up Specialist
George Harrison
Bob Hope
Ryan M. James
The 2nd Unit Director
Ron Jeremy
John Lennon
William C. Martell
Paul McCartney
Lynn Meek
The Shrink
George Murphy
Susan Osborn
The Production Coordinator
David Peterson
Ronald Reagan
Sally Rogan
English Friend
Jay Simon
Man on phone 2
Jill St. John
Ringo Starr
Jeff Szalay
Man on Phone #1
Jeff Toczynski
The Paul McCartney Impersonator
Lana Turner
Jonathan Winters
Yvonne Yao
Production Assistan #2
John William Young
Critical Friend