The movie's plot centers around a 14 year old boy falling in love with an older woman.
In one scene, the main character discovers a pornographic magazine and masturbates while looking at it. Nothing is seen except him unzipping his pants although some pictures from the magazine are shown.
The next scene involves the main character and his two younger friends, about 12 years old and 10 years old. The two younger boys have fallen into water and go back to their friend's house to dry off their clothes. When they stand to get dressed they can both be seen nude. The entire scene is very dark but the youngest boy is clearly seen from the front as he stands in the light.
In the most explicit scene, the main character is shown having sex with the older woman. Although the scene involves mostly kissing between the two and no nudity from the woman, there is a shot when the woman runs her hand up the boys leg, showing his pubic hair and partially showing his penis. In a second shot he climbs on top of the woman and his penis is briefly seen fully erect. He is shown thrusting into the woman in several shots during the scene.
In the following scene it is the next morning and the boy is alone in the bed. He is shown in two lengthy shots lying on his stomach nude. He first sits on the edge of the bed, his penis hidden between his legs, then he gets up and walks to the window, showing himself fully nude.