A man thrusts his pelvis against a table while mentioning maturation in a song.
Maureen pulls down her pants exposing her buttocks while another woman slaps her.
A male dancer pantomimes oral sex on a female dancer
Sex and Nudity:
There is no actual sex or nudity (aside from one brief view of a woman's butt as she jokingly moons someone) in the show, but the entire plot revolves around homosexuality and HIV, so the topics are discussed a lot.
In one scene, there is a brief simulated sex scene with multiple fully clothed characters moving in suggestive positions while singing sexually suggestive terms. The scene is the most adult in the show, but it is more interpretive than erotic or suggestive.
One song contains brief and light-hearted references to masturbation, S&M, sodomy, and homosexuality. There are also jokes about exotic dancing and erections.
There are many passionate kisses between both same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples.
One of the female leads is an exotic dancer.