Live and Remember_peliplat
Live and Remember_peliplat

Live and Remember (2008)

None | Russia | Russian | 100 min
Directed by: Aleksandr Proshkin

In the last year of the war in his native village he is returned Andrew, who had deserted, returning from the hospital after being wounded. The fact that Andrew returned, knows only one person - his wife Anastasia. She must hide her husband, even from his family, only occasionally visiting him in the shelter. Andrew is now - the eternal fugitive, doomed to loneliness. Eventually Nastya knows that waits for the child. Now it is for the whole village - the wrong spouse, not wait for her husband. Victory comes a day, husbands and sons come home, and only Nastya knows for sure that Andrew would never return. And in the village, meanwhile, rumors say that Andrey is not missing, he deserted and hiding somewhere nearby.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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