Strong violence.
Caine's character witnesses several beatings from his window, all of which are realistic and bloody.
A man is knocked to the ground and kicked while his girlfriend is pushed around.
A mother gets shot in the head by gang members on a bike.
A bike with two teenagers riding it is hit by a truck.
A man's car is vandalized, not necessarily for any reason but entertainment, by a group of teenagers, the owner of the car comes from his house and attempts to be rid of them, the teenagers respond extremely aggressively and beat him until he is unconscious. (Bloody)
A man plunges a knife into a robber's chest, blood is seen spraying from his chest and onto the man's jacket.
Pictures are shown of an old man beaten to death, stabbed and urinated on. (Very disturbing)
A man stabs a drug dealer in the arm, then shoots this man again, he than shoots another man in the chest and watches him die. (Graphic and bloody, this whole scene is very disturbing)
The drug dealer's warehouse is set alight, with bodies inside, and explodes.
A man's hand is stabbed and blood squirts out.
A riot breaks out and many people are shot, beaten and hit with items (such as bricks and bottles).
A mobile video of a man being stabbed and kicked is seen. (Disturbing, as this man is a pensioner, beaten by teenagers)
A teenager has a bag put over his head and is whipped repeatedly for information.
A man is shot in the face while in his car, blood sprays onto the windscreen.
A teenager has a wire put around his neck and has his shoes tied together and is forced to walk along a pedestrian underpass.
Two teenagers are shot in the head, body and legs repeatedly, and there is much blood spray.
A teenager is shot in the neck, with blood spraying from the wound.
A car crashes into another and the occupants are seen bleeding and shocked.
A man is suffocated after a car crash by having his nose and mouth covered by hands. Blood is already pouring from his forehead.
A woman is brutally beaten and strangled.
A man is punched hard in the stomach.
A man is shot by the police resulting in strong blowback and bloodspray, there is a large graphic bullet wound in the man's chest.
A elderly woman dies in hospital.
Burning plastic is put through an elderly man's letterbox and his house is filled with smoke.
People fire guns in order to scare.
A man is shot in the arm with bloodspray.