Nodame Cantabile in Europe_peliplat
Nodame Cantabile in Europe_peliplat

Nodame Cantabile in Europe (2008)

None | Japan | Japanese | 240 min
Directed by: Hideki Takeuchi

This 2 night special takes off during their graduation, where Chiaki-senpai & Nodame left for Europe. The first special centered on Chiaki's story, the story tells about Chiaki's dream to be a conductor. Nodame on the other hand attended the conservatory to attain her dream to one-day play the piano for Chiaki. After her hard work, Nodame was given a chance to have a mini recital. During the recital, Chiaki saw her worth and realized that he cannot go on with out her

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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