Kirra, a 12-year-old girl, discovers a baby Orca stranded in the lagoon near her grandfather's rundown seaside amusement park. She embarks on a quest to lead Willy back to his pod.
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Kirra, a 12-year-old girl, discovers a baby Orca stranded in the lagoon near her grandfather's rundown seaside amusement park. She embarks on a quest to lead Willy back to his pod.
The owner of the rival amusement park is seen pouring antifreeze into a bucket of fish, which kills them. He then instructs his henchmen to feed the fish to Willy to make him sick. He also brandishes a large hypodermic needle filled with antifreeze for them to use if Willy doesn't go for the fish. Later, these henchmen fight with Grandpa and are easily frightened off by Willy. That's about it for violence in this film.