House of Black Wings_peliplat
House of Black Wings_peliplat
Play trailer

House of Black Wings (2010)

None | USA | English | 101 min
Directed by: David Schmidt

After a tragic act of violence cuts short her music career, Kate Stone is returning to a city full of ex-fans and ex-friends. Taking shelter with her last friend, a struggling artist named Robyn Huck, the two women work to restore the aging courtyard apartment building Robyn has inherited. But a terrible secret infests the venerable structure, and soon Kate will be haunted by horrific dreams, sinister apparitions, and the sounds of something moving in the walls. She will be dragged into a confrontation not only with her own dark past, but the unspeakable nightmare that lurks beyond the walls!

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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