Wild Horse from Shangri-La_peliplat
Wild Horse from Shangri-La_peliplat

Wild Horse from Shangri-La (2009)

PG (AU) | China | Mandarin | 83 min
Directed by: Gigo Lee, Hi Jiang

In a mountain village in Shangri-la there is a Tibetan boy known as "Wild Horse" because he is the fastest runner of his generation. His peaceful life is turned upside down when his sister Gerui is in desperate need of a heart operation. Geza's father passed away a long time age. Although the 10,000RMB in medical fee is an astronomical figure for the family, Geza refuses to give up on his beloved younger sister. By chance a shepherd boy arrives with a newspaper advertisement announcing a prize of 10,000RMB for the winner of an upcoming marathon race in Kunming! Geza immediately decides to take part in the race. Although he has never traveled far beyond the village's border, he decides to run the 10,000km from Shangri-la to Kunming city to join the race. He will run against time, challenge the God of Death, and win the right to life for his little sister.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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