Play trailer

Oto-na-ri (2009)

PG (SG) | Japan | Japanese | 119 min
Directed by: Naoto Kumazawa

Nojima Satoshi (Junichi Okada) is a photographer who wants to photograph scenery, but currently works for a modeling agency where he takes picture of his best friend, a model in his 30, Shingo (Hiroyuki Ikeuchi). One day, Satoshi decides that he no longer wants to put up with what he doesn't want to do, and sets out to go to Canada to shoot pictures of the Canadian scenery. Living next door is a woman, Nanao (Kumiko Aso), also approaching her 30, who is too busy with her work at a flower shop to consider dating. One day, a man working at a convenience store nearby stops by her flower shop and confesses his feelings for her. Satoshi and Nanao know about each other's existence by the sounds their neighbor makes through the thin wall. Even though they do pay attention to the sounds next door, they actually have never met ...

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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