R violence type: blood, gore and brutal.
Level of violence: 8/10. Strong bloody violent and gory.
Strong disturbing brutal violence.
A man walks into his teenage daughter's bedroom and shoots her in the chest with a shotgun (the force of the impact sends the girl backwards and we see a spray of blood hit the wall); the man leaves the room and shoots a woman in the torso (we see blood spray from behind the woman and a large, gory hole is shown in the woman's stomach); the man then walks into another room where his teenage son is and the man shoots the teen boy in the chest and shoulder (the impact blows the teen boy backward and blood and gore spray from the wound); the man cocks the gun again and shoots himself in the head (blood and gore spray from his head, almost half his skull is shot off and his dead body collapses on top of the teen boy).
A man begs another man to kill him, the man refuses and the first man holds the gun under his own chin and shoots himself in the head as the other man watches (we see a spray of blood hit the wall behind the man along with small chunks of gore as it drips down the wall); the man's body is seen collapsed on the ground.
We hear a squishing crunching noise, which we learn is a man fatally smashing another man in the face with a hammer; we see as the man smashes the hammer into a second man's face, a spray of blood leaves the man's head as his nose bridge caves in from the hammer, and the man walks over to a third man and cleaves the claw portion of the hammer into his head (we see the man's eyes bug out and blood pours from the wound as the man slumps over and blood pools under the man's head).
Several men discover three dead bodies, and there's a lingering shot of the pool of blood under the head of the man whose head was cleaved by the hammer.
A man is seen with yarn wrapped around his waist and legs, pinning him to a table and a metal knitting needle stuck through each hand and into the table (we see blood on the needles and from the hand wounds); another man stands over him holding a box cutter to the man's neck, where a series of dashes have been drawn with a permanent marker and the man tells the pinned down man that he is planning on cutting enough of the man's neck that he will be able to rip off the man's head with his bare hands; the man with the box cutter cuts into the man's neck, throwing the bloody pieces into a trash can and as he continues to cut, the man pauses and pours salt into the wounds, followed by water; the torturer is interrupted when another man knocks on the door and the torturer leads the man out of the room (blood is pouring from the man's wound-covered neck) and we see the torturer holding the box cutter to the man's neck as he walks through a crowd of other men.
A man holding a box cutter fights off a group of 10+ and we see in slow-motion as the man kicks, punches and stabs his way through the men who all fall to the ground; the man runs into a second group of 10+ men and he punches, kicks and stabs his way through the second group of men, until he is stabbed in the back and he comes upon a third group of 10+ men in a cargo elevator who are covered in blood, lying in various positions in the elevator and one man with a sword through his chest is shoved to the ground by the man with the knife in his back; the man pulls the knife from his back and collapses to the ground as he crawls outside where a man and a woman pick him up and put him in a car, and then dump him outside a bar; we see the man recovering later as a doctor tells a woman that the man had been stabbed countless times and one of the wounds was centimeters from being fatal (a small amount of blood is seen on a bandage and bruising on his torso).
A man holding a tire iron leaves an elevator and a woman and another man greet him; the woman grabs the tire iron from the man and uses it to smash the man in the stomach and he crumples over in pain before stabbing the woman with a box cutter and slitting her throat (the woman holds her hand to her throat as blood throbs from it, collapses to the ground and a pool of blood is seen around her body and she appears to die as the two men watch).
A man chases a woman, he runs onto a football field and grabs the woman's arm, the woman shouts at the man and a nearby young man grabs the man and punches him; the man punches the young man to the ground and then fights the young man's five friends, including smashing one of the young men's heads against a bottle and straddling one of the young man and punching him with such impact that his neck whips backwards (a group of young women beg the man to stop); as the man walks away, we see the bodies of six young men lying on the ground and they all appear unconscious.
A man pounds his head against a mirror and the mirror breaks and we see a small amount of blood on his forehead; the man then pounds his fists against a mirror, it breaks and the man takes a piece of the broken mirror and uses it to slit his wrists (we see blood pour from the wounds); he is then seen waking up in a bed with a bandage over his arm and his bloody forehead cleaned. A man bites his own hand so hard that he draws blood and uses the blood to create a smiley face on a pillow case, which he holds as he sleeps. We see a smear of blood on the bricks of a shower as a man digs at the grout around a brick. A man beats his head against a wall.
A man opens a box and discovers a human tongue, and a woman looks in the box and cries out in horror. A man coaxes a mouse into captivity and we then see the mouse with ten baby mice; the man is extremely happy and tells the mouse never to leave; the man wakes up later and the mouse is missing causing him to panic and shout, a tray is slid under the door and he finds the mouse, dead and surrounded by its dead babies with a smear of blood on the plate; the man cries and appears inconsolable.
A woman with a bruised eye and a cut lip appears to have her hands bound over her head; we learn that the woman is a paid actress and see her wipe away the black eye and cut lip.