
Tracks (2009)

None | USA | English | 78 min
Directed by: Josh Rosenberg

Claire and Catherine (Cat) are two high school students who like many seem to always be looking for something - Claire for a way out of her old life and Cat for a way into something new. Claire's family life definitely leaves something to be desired; her mother believes the pieces are all there, but they just won't fit together no matter how hard she tries to force them. This leaves Claire wandering amidst a world of happy faces looking for a connection. Cat's family seems to be perfect. But this outward appearance cannot completely mask the cracks that are beginning to surface. The two girls meet and seem to perfectly complement each other - Claire the free-spirited senior mentor to the innocent younger Cat. During an emotionally trying two-weeks the girls build a friendship that could last forever, but forces outside their control intervene. Cat and Claire are desperate to stay together, but are they willing to pay the price?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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