Occasional Monsters_peliplat
Occasional Monsters_peliplat

Occasional Monsters (2008)

None | UK | English | 83 min
Directed by: Sam Addison, Michael Cox

'Occasional Monsters' is a comedy documentary that follows two friends, Duane and Wolfgang, as they attempt to establish their own monster-hunting business. Despite their enthusiasm, the pair know next to nothing about running a business and have a severe lack of funds. Their attempts at obtaining advice and financial support fall flat and bring them into conflict with local businessman Ronnie Caird. On top of that, their misguided monster-hunting activities start to draw some negative attention their way... Aided by their disturbed and unreliable van driver, Ben, and hindered by Duane's unbalanced female entourage, the pair are forced to confront their fears and learn that their chosen career path might not be all fun and games after all.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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