Burning in the Sun_peliplat
Burning in the Sun_peliplat
Play trailer

Burning in the Sun (2010)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English, Bambara, French | 82 min
Directed by: Cambria Matlow, Morgan Robinson

26-year-old charmer Daniel Dembele is equal parts West African and European, and looking to make his mark on the world. Seizing the moment at a crossroads in his life, Daniel decides to return to his homeland in Mali and start a local business building solar panels - the first of its kind in the sun drenched nation. Daniel's goal is to electrify the households of rural communities, 99% of which live without power. Founding a small business is something that is deeply embedded in American and European culture, a topic to which many can relate. But most have never seen this universal kind of effort take place in Africa, traditionally marked out by the media as the land of the starving, the war ravaged and the hopeless. Daniel's work shatters notions of the need for African dependence on outside aid and embraces the view that ultimately it is Africans who will develop Africa in their own way.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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