The Red Man's View_peliplat
The Red Man's View_peliplat

The Red Man's View

None | USA | English, Shoshoni | 137 min
Directed by: Thomas R. Bond II
This title has not premiered yet

The bold and definitive film about the tragic history of Native Americans at the end of an era, when the American nation struggles with a changing radical government that during its 'Civil' war, professes freedom for all, but incites destruction and the eradication of an entire people and its culture. About a Shoshone band who lived in a secluded valley that are discovered by a group of Union soldiers and squatters and forced to move from their home. They are moved from valley to valley as the Union takes more and more of their land in a plan to eradicate the country of 'Savages' exterminating all Native Americans. This epic Native American drama is a symbol of the American indigenous beating heart. Showing the sweeping landscape of the life and times of an entire culture and its last days as a free people as seen through the eyes of a small Band of these people. Love and courage gives this Native family strength to endure the trials and heartache of war of hard times for their people, and their endurance to overcome. Adapted from a story from a silent film made of over 100 years ago, Red Man's View with an all Native American lead cast, starring many of today's major Native American talent, such as Michael Spears, Shanon Baker, Zahn McClarnon, Rick Mora, and Saginaw Grant among many others.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
The Red Man's View
(Original title)
Взгляд краснокожего
The Red Man's View
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes