
Shyama (2008)

Not Rated (US) | UK | English, Bengali, French, Spanish | 90 min
Directed by: Obhi Chatterjee

Bojroshen, a foreign merchant, is carrying a necklace of rare emeralds which he does not intend to trade but which he has bought for the girl of his dreams, whom he has not yet met. The Queen of the country through which he is traveling has heard of this necklace and the King has sent his spies to find him. Shyama, a court dancer, is with her companions when Bojroshen rushes past her, hotly pursued by the King's Guard. She falls head over heels in love with Bojroshen, although she sees that he has been caught and handcuffed by the policeman. Using her companions as intermediaries, she asks the King's Guard to visit her with his prisoner. She asks the King's Guard why Bojroshen has been imprisoned. The King's Guard replies that there has been a theft from the Royal Treasury and that, to avoid losing face, the police need to catch a culprit, no matter who it is. Realizing that Bojroshen has been falsely accused of theft and faces execution, she persuades the King's Guard to spare Bojroshen for two days, hoping that she can help him to freedom in this time. When Bojroshen hears that Shyama has secured this stay of execution because she has fallen in love with him, he realizes that this is the girl of his dreams. Uttiyo has been a secret admirer of Shyama for many years but has never expressed his affection for her. When he hears that she is seeking someone valiant enough to save Bojroshen from an unjust execution, he tells Shyama that he is prepared to put himself in the place of the one she loves so that she will remember him forever. As a token of her affection, she gives him a ring which the King has given her. Ignoring warnings that he is too young to die, Uttiyo surrenders to the King's Guard, showing the ring as proof that he was responsible for the theft. Shyama tries to tell the King's Guard that Uttiyo did not steal the ring but he sends her away and executes Uttiyo. Shyama visits Bojroshen in prison to let him know of his release, though she is troubled by her conscience. Bojroshen is delighted both to be free and to see her again. Shyama runs away with him. Displeased with Shyama's disappearance from the palace, the King sends his guards to look for her. Meanwhile, Bojroshen is curious to know how Shyama obtained his release and she tells him that he was freed because of Uttiyo's sacrifice. He is so shocked at what she has done that he sends her away. Although he realizes that she had only done this to save him, he is unable to forgive her.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(DVD premiere)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes