The Box_peliplat
The Box_peliplat

The Box (2008)

None | USA | English | 38 min
Directed by: Zach Schuyler

After an antique dealer acquires a mysterious wooden box at an estate sale, he realizes just how dangerous antiques dealing can be. It seems that all who open the box, witness something so horrible that they are left in a catatonic state. Chris attempts to sell the box repeatedly, but it keeps finding its way back to him. Chris and his sister, Dayna, realize something sinister is at work after noticing strange smells, inexplicable noises and shadows moving throughout the house. Chris begins to question his sanity as his nightmares begin to trickle into his waking life. With his sister's help, Chris must find out the box's dark secret before falling prey to the evil it has released.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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