
Insomniac (2009)

Unrated (US) | USA | English | 85 min
Directed by: Christian Neil

Insomniac is the story of a man who made one small error in judgment long ago that cost one man his career, and three people their lives. Cody Russell, former juvenile delinquent and current street hood, befriends Jason Dillon, a bright young man with his whole life ahead of him. Jason and his older sister Amber grew up under the strict guidance of their father Duke, a retired Marine who expected his household to operate with military precision. Amber got married as young as she could to get out of the house, leaving Jason alone to deal with the authoritarian and often cruel guidance of their father. Frustrated by his father's stern parenting, Jason begins the path to juvenile delinquency, and finds himself getting drawn deeper and deeper into a world where perhaps for once, he can be the one calling the shots. There is one last hope for Jason, in the form of Eric Stillman, a caseworker for A.C.E.D., a publicly-funded organization that provides mentorships for at-risk teens. Encouraged by his sister to give it a shot, and provided unconventional incentives by his Mr. Stillman, Jason begins to turn himself around, and soon thereafter, he begins the long path to reconciliation with his father, who dies suddenly. For a long time, Jason's identity was based on the premise of being at odds with his father, and when that was taken away from him, he found himself particularly vulnerable. His friend Cody, short-handed for a job, decides that he can use this to his advantage, and is surprised when Jason says no. So Cody decides that if he wants Jason to come with him, he'll need to get him away from Eric, and he happens to know a way to do it. Cody discovers, completely by accident, a rather indiscreet personal relationship between Eric and Amber. When Jason doesn't cooperate, Cody grabs his camera phone, and successfully makes an educated guess of their whereabouts. And when Cody emails the photo to Jason, he decides to go ahead and send a copy to Eric's boss. All hell breaks loose for Eric and Amber when they are outed, and they soon find themselves with no one else to turn to, and nothing left to lose. And, more importantly, they find themselves paying little or no attention to Jason, and he's able to sneak away easily and go on a job with Cody. The following morning, Amber finds herself leaving Eric's side in a huff, and returning home to find disturbing news about Jason, and she decides that it is time that she finally step up, and do for Jason what she never thought she would ever have to do. Insomniac is a story of a man who wants to be remembered for the mistakes he's made, and the story of a man who always wants to remember his mistakes.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(video premiere)
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes