At Home by Myself... with You_peliplat
At Home by Myself... with You_peliplat

At Home by Myself... with You (2009)

PG (CA) | Canada | English, Spanish, Italian, Cantonese | 90 min
Directed by: Kris Booth

Romy Scott has a plethora of phobias stemming from a loved one dying associated with each one of those items. In order of occurrence, they are fear of lobsters, fear of opening boxes, fear of kissing and fear of storms. She is convinced by assertions by her mother when she was a child that her overarching fear, something that ties all four incidents together, should be being outside. As such, she has not left her apartment in six years, not even to step into the common hallway. She is able to live as a shut-in thanks to technology, and an official and unofficial support network: her best friend Erin, a lawyer and chronic dater, she who will require her boyfriend at any given time to provide Romy his professional in-house service, and whose friends will provide the occasional non-kissing date/sexual encounter at her apartment; her building's maintenance man, Waylon, who always seems to be hitting on her in a different persona each time; Sam, the UPS delivery guy; and Bessie Abernathy, her elderly neighbor across the hall. Things in Romy's life have the potential to change with the arrival of Bessie's nephew, whose stay has a finite time frame due to circumstances. Romy finds that the nephew, who refuses to divulge his name to her, is nothing like Bessie. But in he helping her inadvertently overcome one of those phobias, she is able to negotiate a win-win situation with him, the result being a budding friendship and perhaps more. The problem is that he is an adventurer, who takes an annual trip to a randomly chosen spot. So Romy does whatever she can to manipulate him staying for as long as possible. Is there any way that their two lives can overcome this fundamental gap? And will he ever tell her his name?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
(Vancouver International Film Festival)
(DVD premiere)
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
At Home by Myself... with You
(Original title)
At Home by Myself... with You
At Home by Myself... with You
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes