Roses of April_peliplat
Roses of April_peliplat

Roses of April (2007)

PG-13 (US) | USA | English | 80 min
Directed by: Claudia Damasceno

Roses of April is a lively and depressing sense of intense bonds within a Native American family. It gets destroyed little by little, directly and indirectly by an authoritarian government. Framed in a beautiful photography and sweetly represented by a young girl who wants to be an astronaut, the story blossoms into a deliberate ambiguity between the US government of the last two administrations. In Roses of April, we are left to contemplate which of the two most recent presidents was the best for Americans. The story also surprises the viewer the main character's attitude towards the end.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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