After a woman has her abdomen pummeled open with a power saw, one of her assailants then digs out a fistful of blood soaked entrails and coils it between her fingers.
A woman smashes another woman's head against a wall, knocking her out. Some blood is shown. She then takes a pair of bolt cutters and cuts his penis. Lots of blood.
A man is attacked offscreen. Some blood is shown splattering.
A girl hits a man with a stick.
A woman is tortured by having nails driven through her hands. Lots of blood. She then has a drill driven through her stomach with even more blood.
A man is chased by a girl, who hits him. He knocks her out and runs away. The girl's sister finds him and stabs him. Lots of blood.
A woman runs away from the killers and stabs the father in the throat. She is later knocked out.