The Diamonds of Metro Valley_peliplat
The Diamonds of Metro Valley_peliplat

The Diamonds of Metro Valley (2010)

None | USA | English | 71 min
Directed by: Aaron Arendt

Notorious Metro Valley gangster Jonas Caine has a plan, and he needs a giant-lizard robot to steal some very special diamonds. Genius drug addict Dr. Thadeous Price has one: a Remote-Operated, Nocturnally Aggressive, Lizard Device (R.O.N.A.L.D.). R.O.N.A.L.D. can change from gigantic to palm-sized with the push of a button, and Price has the prototype literally in his pocket when two beat cops stop him after a drug deal. Things go terribly, violently wrong and Price has to destroy his precious creation. Now he has no choice but to reconstruct it in record time or face the wrath of Caine. Everything converges on a spectacular diamond heist, where bullets fly, police airships attack, explosions explode, and by the end of an epic, action-packed car chase, you WILL believe a lizard can drive!

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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