R violence type: blood and graphic.
Strong bloody violence.
A dead horse is shown with its stomach and intestines spread around. Quite Graphic.
A man kicks another mans feet off a table.
A policemen falls backwards off a cliff. He survives but is shown with a lot of bloody cuts and injuries.
A policemen is shot through the chest. He survives. Some blood spray.
A man is shot through the shoulder with a shotgun. Fair amount of blood.
The man crawls around on the floor before being shot through the back with a revolver. Some blood spray. We see his body later with a large pool of blood around it.
A man is chased by another man and shot in the back with a shotgun. A lot of blood spray. He is shot again off screen. We see his body later with large bloody wounds on his chest.
A man is shot through the head and falls from a building onto a car. His body is shown numerous time. Graphic.
A man falls backwards over some trash cans and hits his head on the pavement.
A man is hit by a car at high speed. He is thrown about 10 feet onto concrete.
A man crashes a car into another car. His nose bleeding heavily and he has many notice cuts on his head. A lot of blood is present.
A man is shot in the shoulder through his windscreen.
A man is shot in both kneecaps. Blood shoots out and he screams in agony.
A man is dragged violently by his coat and thrown into a boot of a car.
A man is shot twice during a car chase, he loses control of his vehicle and crashes into a embankment. He is then shot four times through his windscreen.
A man is shown dying with blood all over him. After about ten seconds he succumbs to his wounds and dies.
A man follows a blood trail to reveal a wounded policemen. A lot of blood is present in this scene.
A man is shot through the back window of a car. He is still alive and we see a large bullet hole through his throat. Lots of blood pours out and he quickly dies.
A man is shot through the head. Some blood spray.
A policemen is shown with a large bloody wound in his side. Lot of blood.
A policemen faints due to blood loss.
A policemen wakes up in the boot of a car. He is tied up and frantically kicks and groans trying to escape.
A man carry's a bleeding man through the streets to find help.
A badly wounded policemen dies due to his wounds.
A policemen is punched in the face. He wakes up to find himself handcuffed to a desk.
A panther is shown dragging away a dead policemen's body to eat.
A man repeatedly punches the steering wheel of a car.
A man hangs himself. We hear his neck snap and see his lifeless body hanging.
A man is punched in the face repeatedly and then beaten severely by a group of police officers.
A women is dragged by her hair into another room where she is beaten and then raped off screen.
A man is shot through the chest and left to die in a burning house. He survives and is shown with a badly burnt face later.
We see a burning house with a couple inside. The man survives. The woman does not.
A spear is thrown through a mans throat. A lot of blood is present.
A man is heard screaming after being killed with a boomerang off screen.
A man is hit across the face with a gun. He is then badly beaten. A lot of blood.
Two men are shot multiple times in the chest. Some blood.
A policemen is shot in the head from a distance. Some blood.
A man is shot 11 times by policemen. He is shown with bloody wounds all over. He says a few words then dies.